MINT InstantKon RF70 more pictures
More testing, more reviewing and much more pictures from the MINT InstantKon RF70 camera, to show, what it is capable of and where the limits are.
A, F 16, flash, 0.75m. The exposure system controls the flash very well. It only fails at F 5.6 at a very short distance.
A F22,
very bright day in Carcassonne, in the shade of the ancient town wall,
with an art work from Varini. The exposure system finds the balance
between the sky and the shades very well. And yes, that's a tiny bit of
the aluminium foil from the art work, it lay on the ground where I
An aperture series in automatic mode:
A, F 22, 3m, focus on the leaves of the plant in the foreground. The background is sharp as well.
A, F11, 3m, ND2. The background has a little bit of blur, as expected.
F5.6, 3m, ND8. The leaves are still sharp, the closest flowers slightly
out of focus, the background is blurred. Everthing is as it should be
at this aperture.
A hand metered series (Gossen DigiSix) under
difficult circumstances, very bright sunshine, a different light
situation for every picture.
F 16, 1/125s, 3m. A monument with rusty metal sculptures on the graveyard in Azille, South of France.
F 16, 1/60s, 2,5m.
F 16, 1/60s, 2.5m.
F 16, 1/125s, 2.5m.
F22, 1/125s,
∞. The entire monument.
Hand metered versus automatic:
F 22, 1/60s,
∞. A hollow path in Azille. I metered the shades, so the sky is bleached out.
A, f22,
The exposure system seeks the balance between the extremely bright sky
and the shaddows. You can see the clouds in the sky. If you want the
shaddows to be taken more into account as in the picture above this
one, just point the camera more towards the soil, press the shutter
halfway down and hold, frame and shoot.
Bokeh at F 5.6 for portraits:
F 5.6, 1/250, 1m. The camera does a beautiful job here.
Extreme bright light, hand metered and automatic:
F 22, 1/125s, ∞. Metered as 800 ISO. As I mentioned on the first page, it should have been 1600 ISO for Instax film in extreme bright light.
A, F22, ∞. The automatic exposure gets it quite right. This is about the impression you get with the naked eye.
F22, 1/250s, ∞. Metered as 1600 ISO. This is what a photographer would like to see.
Automatic mode in extreme bright light with filters:
A, F 22,∞.
Calais beach in brightest sunshine. A beautiful picture in my opinion,
try to make this with any other Instax camera, it will fail. The
exposure system can even deal with this situation. It compensates well,
a tad of overcompensation to my taste, but well done.
A, F 22, ∞. Same as above.
Night photos, all made in Cologne and I tried to make similar ones to those I have done with the Lomo Instax Wide
(link opens in a new window, so you can keep it open to compare). So
here are the Mint InstaKon RF70 ones, hand metering with Gossen DigiSix:
A, F11, ∞. Long exposure, about 1s. Subway station.
F16, 8s, ∞. 4711 building.
F16, 4s, ∞. Hohe Strasse.
F 16, 8s, ∞. The entrance of the cathedral.
A, F 5.6, ∞. Long exposure, about 1s. Central station.
F16, 4s, ∞.
F16, 10s, ∞. Railway bridge with passing train and a bicycle passing in the foreground.
F 16, 30s, ∞.
River Rhine and boats. As the Rhine photos were taken from the railway
bridge and the exposure times were extremely long, there is minor shake
from the passing trains.
F 16, 35s, ∞. River Rhine and old part of the town.
F 16, 8s, ∞. Railway bridge and Cologne cathedral (and again 2 bicycles with their lamps passing).
A, F 11, ∞. Hall of the central station. Long exposure, about 1s.